Smoothie Carrot Apple

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Kickstart your day with our nutritious Smoothie Carrot Apple. This perfect blend of sweet and savory offers incredible health benefits and can be whipped up in just 20 seconds with your BlendJet 2

No precooking needed – let the power of BlendJet do all the work for you. Go green with a carrot spinach smoothie

5 minutes

1 serving

( 3 )

Smoothie Carrot Apple

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Kickstart your day with our nutritious Smoothie Carrot Apple. This perfect blend of sweet and savory offers incredible health benefits and can be whipped up in just 20 seconds with your BlendJet 2

No precooking needed – let the power of BlendJet do all the work for you. Go green with a carrot spinach smoothie

5 minutes

1 serving

( 3 )

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  • apples, chopped


  • medium carrots, chopped


  • cup ice


  • 1 serving 3

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Roughly chop apples and carrots.
    2. Add chopped ingredients to your BlendJet.
    3. Press blend button.
    4. Blend for 20 seconds.
    5. Enjoy your silky smooth Carrot Apple Smoothie!
    recipe image











    Delicious and Nutritious

    Smoothie Carrot Apple Benefits 


    Carrots, with their slight sweetness and earthy flavor, are a superb addition to smoothies. 

    One serving offers an impressive nutritional profile: 

    5% of your daily vitamin C, 2% of your daily calcium and iron, 9% of your daily vitamin K, 8% of your daily fiber and potassium and 73% of your daily vitamin A. 

    Carrots are also vital for good eyesight and cataract prevention. 

    Carrots' high antioxidant levels can lower cancer risks by reducing free radicals that disrupt cell division. Plus, the potassium in carrots aids in healthy blood pressure maintenance and ensures proper muscle contraction.


    Apples, rich in fiber and antioxidants, bring a sweet taste and numerous health benefits. They are linked to a reduced risk of stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and certain cancers. 

    Their fiber content helps maintain a steady blood glucose level, keeps you full, and helps lower cholesterol levels, reducing heart disease risks. For even more health benefits, try the carrot turmeric smoothie

    Smoothie Carrot Apple Substitutions 

    For a spicy immunity boost during flu season, add ginger to create a ginger carrot smoothie

    You can also sweeten things up with a carrot strawberry smoothie. If you prefer a creamier texture, replace ice with half a cup of yogurt, adding extra protein to your smoothie.

    Smoothie Carrot Apple FAQs 

    Are Apple And Carrot Good For Your Skin? 

    Absolutely! The vitamin A and C in apples and carrots can contribute to healthy, glowing skin.

    Which Smoothie Can Make My Skin Glow? 

    Carrot-based smoothies can give your skin a glow, thanks to the high vitamin C content that brightens your skin.  

    What Happens If I Drink A BlendJet Carrot Smoothie Every Day? 

    Daily consumption of our Carrot Smoothie increases your antioxidant intake, potentially reducing your risk of developing cancer. Enjoy blending! 

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