Pumpkin Banana Smoothie Recipe

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The pumpkin and banana smoothie is uber creamy and naturally sweet. It keeps you full for hours, making it the perfect breakfast or lunch option for when you’re on the go and need a quick, easy meal.

Once your prep work is done, it takes only 20 seconds to make this smoothie using your BlendJet 2 portable blender.

You can enjoy this healthy pumpkin smoothie and many others by exploring our catalog of recipes.

6 minutes

1 serving


Pumpkin Banana Smoothie Recipe

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The pumpkin and banana smoothie is uber creamy and naturally sweet. It keeps you full for hours, making it the perfect breakfast or lunch option for when you’re on the go and need a quick, easy meal.

Once your prep work is done, it takes only 20 seconds to make this smoothie using your BlendJet 2 portable blender.

You can enjoy this healthy pumpkin smoothie and many others by exploring our catalog of recipes.

6 minutes

1 serving


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  • cooked, diced pumpkin

    6 oz

  • frozen banana


  • cinnamon

    ¼ teaspoon

  • honey

    ¼ teaspoon

  • milk of choice

    2 oz

  • ice

    2 oz

  • 1 serving 2

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Boil pumpkin cubes for 15 mins.
    2. Peel frozen banana.
    3. Add all ingredients to BlendJet.
    4. Blend, including hot pumpkin.
    5. Clean with soap, blend, rinse.
    recipe image











    Delicious and Nutritious

    Pumpkin Banana Smoothie Benefits

    Facts About The Ingredients


    Pumpkin is a versatile winter squash that can be incorporated into a variety of meal types, smoothies included. It’s creamy and sweet, and its natural flavors can be enhanced with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    But how does pumpkin benefit us health-wise?

    Pumpkin is surprisingly low in calories, containing 92% water. This means that the first health benefit it offers is hydration.

    It’s also high in beta-carotene, which is the substance that gives the squash its bright orange color. Our bodies turn this into vitamin A when metabolizing pumpkin, and it’s then used to maintain good eyesight.

    Pumpkins are high in antioxidants which eradicate free radicals from your body. Free radicals can cause cancer over time because they interfere with the cellular division process. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled damaged cell division, so over time consuming a high amount of antioxidants reduces your risk of developing cancer.

    Lastly, the vegetable is high in vitamin C and potassium. Studies have shown that both vitamin C  and potassium lower the risk of heart disease because they lower your cholesterol and blood pressure respectively.

    Have some leftover pumpkin? Try the pumpkin pie smoothie and the pumpkin spice smoothie to keep reaping the benefits of this vegetable.


    Bananas are rich in soluble fiber which dissolves in liquid when you digest it to form a gel. This gel stays in your digestive system for longer than other forms of fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. 

    This form of fiber also helps to regulate your blood sugar levels. This decreases your chances of developing insulin resistance. 

    Bananas also contribute towards keeping your heart healthy. They contain potassium which helps control your blood pressure. This lowers your risk of developing heart disease and having a heart attack.

    In addition, bananas contain magnesium which lowers both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

    Pumpkin Banana Smoothie Substitutions

    Cooked, diced pumpkin: The pumpkin in this recipe can be substituted with butternut squash or sweet potatoes for a similar earthy flavor. If you're really looking to change things up, roasted carrots could be an adventurous option!

    Frozen banana: The frozen banana gives this smoothie its smooth texture, but if you're not a banana lover or want a lower-sugar option, try using an avocado, Greek yogurt, or even silken tofu to keep things creamy. For a dairy-free or vegan option, go with plant-based yogurt!

    Cinnamon: Cinnamon adds a little spice to your smoothie, but if you're out or just want a change, try nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, or even a pinch of turmeric for a slightly different but still warm flavor profile.

    Honey: Honey sweetens things up, but if you're vegan or simply want a change, agave nectar, maple syrup, or dates could be great alternatives. For a zero-calorie option, consider using stevia or monk fruit sweetener.

    Milk of choice: Milk adds creaminess, but any non-dairy alternative like almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk will work just as well. For an interesting twist, you might want to consider coconut milk for a tropical flair or even some chai tea for an added spice kick!

    Ice: Ice makes your smoothie cool and refreshing, but for an added nutrition boost, consider using frozen almond milk cubes or frozen cubes of green tea!

    Remember, BlendJet Family, the joy of smoothie-making lies in the endless possibilities and the fun of finding the combinations that are perfect for you. Feel free to swap, experiment, and find your dream blend! Keep on blending!

    Pumpkin Banana Smoothie FAQs

    Should I use raw or cooked pumpkin for smoothies?

    Cooked pumpkin is best for smoothies, although you can use raw pumpkin too. You can also use tinned pumpkin, which is already cooked.

    Does pumpkin clean your stomach?

    The fiber in pumpkin helps keep you regular and cleans your digestive system, stomach included.

    What fruits pair well with pumpkin?

    Bananas, apples, and oranges pair well with pumpkins.

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