Kiwi Smoothie without Banana

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Bananas tend to be a component in many smoothies, especially those involving kiwi. 

However, we’ve put together the perfect Kiwi smoothie without bananas that’ll be sure to quench your taste buds and thirst.

Let’s see how it’s made.

5 minutes

1 serving

(2 servings)

Kiwi Smoothie without Banana

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Bananas tend to be a component in many smoothies, especially those involving kiwi. 

However, we’ve put together the perfect Kiwi smoothie without bananas that’ll be sure to quench your taste buds and thirst.

Let’s see how it’s made.

5 minutes

1 serving

(2 servings)

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  • small kiwi diced


  • slices of cucumber


  • spinach

    A handful Amount

  • chia seeds

    1 tablespoon

  • coconut water or water

    1 cup

  • 1 serving 2 servings

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Use fresh or frozen kiwi.
    2. Cut cucumber; add to BlendJet 2.
    3. Add solids, then liquids.
    4. Blend for a refreshing Kiwi smoothie.
    5. Optionally sweeten with apples. Enjoy!
    recipe image











    Delicious and Nutritious

    Kiwi Smoothie without Banana Benefits

    Facts About the Ingredients


    Kiwis have many health advantages and are rich in nutritional fiber and vitamin C. 

    This sour fruit can help with immunity, digestion, and cardiac health. The kiwi is a food that is good for you and is full of minerals and antioxidants. 

    Its tart flavor, appealing texture, and low-calorie content make it a tasty and healthful choice for snacks, sides, or a distinctive treat.  

    Essential health advantages may be provided by the minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. Vitamins found in abundance in the flesh boost immunity and lower the chance of illness. 

    Kiwis contain soluble nutritional fiber, which may aid in promoting normal, healthy digestion.

    Antioxidants lessen the reactive to stress and aid in the body's removal of free radicals. In the end, this might safeguard the body against infection and irritation.

    The kiwifruit can lower the chance of stroke and heart disease by supporting good blood pressure and offering a boost of vitamin C.

    In addition, kiwi fruit has a lot of nutritional fiber. 

    Fibre lowers LDL, or poor cholesterol, which lowers risk factors for heart disease.

    A high level of cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis or the stiffening of the heart's vessels.

    The kiwifruit has a lot of dietary fiber in both its thick shell and meat. Constipation and several other stomach problems and discomforts can be lessened with fiber.


    We may not be using bananas, but we will certainly want to include cucumbers, making for a beautiful Kiwi cucumber smoothie.

    Having a high water level, cucumbers are a product that is nourishing. 

    Consuming cucumbers may promote weight loss, reduce blood sugar levels, and avoid constipation. Eat the skin as well to get the most health advantages from cucumbers.

    It contains a lot of healthy nutrients as well as antioxidants and some plant chemicals that may be used to cure or even avoid some diseases.

    Cucumbers are also a great food for encouraging hydration and assisting in weight reduction because they are low in calories, high in water, and contain soluble fiber.

    Another ingredient we’re making use of is spinach.

    This veggie offers vitamins and nutrients, which can provide several advantages.

    Large amounts of vitamin A are present in spinach, which controls sebum production in skin pores and hair shafts to moisturize skin and hair. 

    Acne can develop when this sebum accumulates. The development of all body cells, including the epidermis and hair, depends on vitamin A.

    Collagen, which gives skin and hair structure, is built and maintained by spinach and other verdant vegetables rich in vitamin C.

    You can add or substitute any green into this smoothie. For example, if you prefer to make a kale kiwi smoothie, it’ll still taste great.

    Chia Seeds

    Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, are three elements that are known to be good for bone health. They are all abundant in chia seeds.

    Chia seeds have anti-inflammatory, high-fiber, and cardio-protective qualities, which may be why you should add them to your drink. They also contain polyunsaturated fats.

    Antioxidants are another great benefit of chia seeds.

    In addition to preventing the delicate lipids in chia seeds from going rancid, antioxidants also improve human health by scavenging reactive molecules called free radicals that can harm cell components if they accumulate in the body. 

    Kiwi Smoothie Without Banana Substitutions

    We get it. Not everyone is a fan of bananas, even if they're a popular choice for smoothies because of their creamy texture and natural sweetness. But fear not, we've got plenty of options for you to keep your Kiwi Smoothie creamy and delicious, without the banana. Here are some perfect swaps you can consider:

    Avocado: This fruit is a great way to add a creamy texture to your kiwi smoothie without banana. Half an avocado will do the trick! Plus, it's packed with healthy fats and fiber, keeping you full for longer.

    Greek Yogurt: Another perfect option for a creamy, banana-less kiwi smoothie. Greek yogurt not only adds a tangy flavor but also boosts the protein content significantly. We recommend 1/2 cup, but you can adjust based on your preference.

    Silken Tofu: Don't knock it until you've tried it! Silken tofu can make your smoothie incredibly smooth and creamy, plus it's a great source of plant-based protein. Around 1/2 cup will work well in your kiwi smoothie.

    Chia Seeds: Soaked chia seeds add a unique texture to your smoothie and also pack a nutritional punch. These tiny seeds are full of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Add 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your kiwi smoothie and let the BlendJet work its magic!

    Mango or Peach: For a sweeter twist, you can add a ripe mango or peach to your kiwi smoothie. This will not only replace the sweetness you lose from the banana but also contribute to a rich, velvety texture.

    Remember, the beauty of using a BlendJet for your smoothie creations is the flexibility it offers. Feel free to experiment with these substitutions to create a Kiwi Smoothie that suits your taste buds and dietary preferences. Blend on!

    Kiwi Smoothie without Banana (FAQs)

    What other fruits can I add to my Kiwi smoothie without banana? 

    You would be surprised about the number of fruits you can add to your Kiwi smoothie that isn’t banana.

    Replacing the cucumber with another water-rich fruit will be perfect. This means you can make the perfect watermelon kiwi smoothie that’s packed with flavor and nutrients. 

    Other fruits include strawberries, mangos, and pears. 

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