Watermelon Banana Strawberry Smoothie

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BlendJet's Watermelon-Banana-Strawberry smoothie is a vibrant blend of flavors you might not have tasted before. The subtle sweetness of watermelon and strawberries meets the creamy texture of banana, creating a nourishing, filling drink that's perfect for those on-the-go moments.

Don’t believe us? Check out the hundreds of BlendJet reviews from other happy customers who’ve joined the BlendJet revolution. You can also try our watermelon and spinach smoothie for a great breakfast energizer.

10 minutes

1 serving

( 2 )

Watermelon Banana Strawberry Smoothie

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BlendJet's Watermelon-Banana-Strawberry smoothie is a vibrant blend of flavors you might not have tasted before. The subtle sweetness of watermelon and strawberries meets the creamy texture of banana, creating a nourishing, filling drink that's perfect for those on-the-go moments.

Don’t believe us? Check out the hundreds of BlendJet reviews from other happy customers who’ve joined the BlendJet revolution. You can also try our watermelon and spinach smoothie for a great breakfast energizer.

10 minutes

1 serving

( 2 )

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  • roughly chopped strawberries

    4 oz

  • watermelon chunks

    4 oz

  • frozen banana


  • ice cubes

    2 oz

  • 1 serving 2

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Place all ingredients in BlendJet 2.
    2. Hit blend for a 20-second smoothie.
    3. Clean by blending with soap and water.
    4. Charge with USB-C for your next blend!
    recipe image











    Delicious and Nutritious

    Banana Watermelon and Strawberry Smoothie Benefits

    Watermelon: This refreshing fruit is an incredible hydration hero, packing in nutrients and antioxidants like Vitamin C, lycopene, carotenoids, and cucurbitacin C - your body's personal defense team against damaging free radicals. 

    Watermelon's heart-loving ingredients can also help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing oxidative stress. Add the Watermelon Banana Smoothie to your BlendJet recipe repertoire for these health perks.

    Banana: Originating from India, Southeast Asia, and Australia, bananas are now a Hawaiian favorite, offering a high-energy mix of carbohydrates, sugars, fiber, potassium, and vitamins. 

    The resistant starch in bananas helps moderate blood sugar levels, while potassium supports heart health. Bananas are a great mood-booster, too, thanks to their dopamine content. With heaps of fiber promoting gut health, they're a perfect fit for your BlendJet smoothies.

    Strawberry: Originally found in northern Europe, Russia, and the U.S, strawberries are now a global favorite. 

    Loaded with Vitamin C, antioxidants, magnesium, and phosphorus, strawberries bring their own health benefits to the blend. Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function while phosphorus helps form bones, teeth, and assists with protein synthesis. Why not try the Watermelon-Strawberry Smoothie with milk using your BlendJet?

    Banana Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie Substitutions

    Hello, BlendJetters! We've heard that our Watermelon Banana Strawberry Smoothie is a hit among our beloved community! But, we believe variety is the spice of life, so let's dive into some adventurous alternatives that will keep your smoothie game fun and fresh. Let's put a new twist on this classic, shall we?

    Strawberries: No strawberries on hand or just in the mood for a change? Try raspberries or blackberries. They will add a new twist of tartness and a color burst to your smoothie.

    Watermelon chunks: Watermelon is fabulous, but have you ever tried swapping it for peaches or mango chunks? They bring a sweet, tropical vibe that can brightly start your day!

    Frozen banana: Don't have a frozen banana ready to go? You can easily substitute it with frozen avocado chunks for a creamy texture and a boost of healthy fats. For a lower sugar option, give frozen cauliflower a try. Trust us, you won't taste it, but your smoothie will get an extra dose of creaminess!

    Ice cubes: If you're craving a creamier texture, swap out ice cubes for a dollop of Greek yogurt or a scoop of your favorite non-dairy yogurt. Or, try using frozen coconut milk cubes for an extra frosty, tropical infusion.

    Watermelon-Banana-Strawberry Smoothie FAQs

    Is a banana and watermelon combination good?

    Absolutely! The refreshing taste of watermelon and the creamy, mild flavor of banana complement each other brilliantly.

    Can I eat strawberries daily?

    Yes, enjoying strawberries daily is fine. Just remember to balance your intake, given their sugar content. A handful of strawberries every day is a healthy choice.

    Which fruit pairs best with bananas?

    Berries, with their robust flavors, make a great pair with the subtle, creamy taste of bananas.

    Immerse yourself in the world of smoothies, explore more combinations, and amp up your health with BlendJet.

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