Spinach Paratha

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Here for all your paratha recipe needs!

1 serving

(26 oz)

Spinach Paratha

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Here for all your paratha recipe needs!

1 serving

(26 oz)

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  • whole wheat flour

    2 cups (240g)

  • salt

    1/2 tsp

  • spinach

    1 handful

  • fresh ginger


  • fresh green chili peppers


  • water

    3-4 tbsp

  • oil

    3-4 tbsp

  • chaat masala powder

    2-3 tbsp

  • 1 serving 26 oz

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Blend spinach with a little water, ginger, chili peppers and salt in your blendjet
    2. In a bowl, add flour, and slowly add spinach mix while kneading.
    3. Mix and knead into a smooth, pliable, soft dough. Add more water if needed. 

    4. Cover with a damp cloth and set dough aside for 30 mins to let the gluten structures form.

    5. Pull out a medium-sized ball from the dough. Flatten and dust with some flour.
    6. Roll with a rolling pin into a round shape of about 4 inches in diameter.
    7. Spread some oil on one side and sprinkle some chaat masala. Fold in half.
    8. Now spread some oil on this half-folded dough, and add more chaat masala.
    9. Fold sideways to get a folded triangle.
    10. Dust some flour on the folded triangle and roll it.
    11. Heat a flat pan to medium-high heat.
    12. Add to pan and cook for a couple mins on one side.
    13. Flip and add some more oil and spread it with a brush.
    14. Cook for a couple more mins and flip again. Add some more oil if it looks dry.
    15. When both sides have golden brown spots, take off pan and repeat for rest of the dough.
    16. Serve with your favorite curry or a bowl of raita and enjoy!
    recipe image










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