Raspberry Smoothie with Yogurt

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Craving something that hits the sweet and sour notes while remaining incredibly creamy? Our raspberry smoothie with yogurt offers just that - a delectable, nutrient-rich, and satisfying meal or snack. 

Thanks to the BlendJet 2 portable blender, you can create this perfect blend anywhere, anytime, ensuring you always have a fresh, delicious smoothie on demand. Whether you want a light snack or a substantial meal, this smoothie will fulfill your needs with a perfect blend of healthy fats, proteins, and vitamin-infused fruits.

2 minutes

1 serving

(1 to 2 servings)

Raspberry Smoothie with Yogurt

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Craving something that hits the sweet and sour notes while remaining incredibly creamy? Our raspberry smoothie with yogurt offers just that - a delectable, nutrient-rich, and satisfying meal or snack. 

Thanks to the BlendJet 2 portable blender, you can create this perfect blend anywhere, anytime, ensuring you always have a fresh, delicious smoothie on demand. Whether you want a light snack or a substantial meal, this smoothie will fulfill your needs with a perfect blend of healthy fats, proteins, and vitamin-infused fruits.

2 minutes

1 serving

(1 to 2 servings)

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  • fresh strawberries

    4 oz

  • fresh raspberries

    4 oz

  • full-fat Greek yogurt

    4 oz

  • honey


  • ice

    2 oz

  • 1 serving 1 to 2 servings

    Ingredients copied to clipboard


    1. Prepare your BlendJet 2 portable blender.
    2. Align jar and base arrows.
    3. Pour liquids, then fruits, leaving space at the top.
    4. Seal lid, blend for 20 seconds, repeat for desired consistency.
    5. Enjoy your strawberry raspberry smoothie! BlendJet 2 self-cleans, saving you cleanup time.
    recipe image











    Delicious and Nutritious

    Yogurt Raspberry Smoothie Health Benefits

    Savoring this smoothie is not just about pleasing your taste buds. The nutrient-rich ingredients offer you numerous health benefits too. Let's explore how this delectable blend helps you stay fit and energized:

    Raspberries and Strawberries Benefits

    Raspberries, native to Asia and North America, pack a punch of vitamin C, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and manganese - all essential for a robust immune system. Remember to refrigerate your raspberries for a longer shelf life, but avoid the coldest part of the fridge to keep them from turning mushy.

    Our creamy base, yogurt, is a powerhouse of protein, calcium, vitamins, and live bacteria - the much-loved probiotics. These probiotics keep your gut healthy by restoring your microbiome, improving your fiber breakdown, and enhancing your overall nutrient intake. Interestingly, there's evidence suggesting probiotics can have mental health benefits too, given the two-way communication between our gut and brain. So sipping this smoothie might not just make your body happier but your mind as well.

    Raspberry Smoothie with Yogurt Substitutions

    While this variation on a raspberry smoothie is quite delightful as is, you may want to experiment with different ingredients based on your dietary needs, taste preference, or simply what you have on hand. Here are some possible substitutions:

    1. Berries: If you're out of strawberries or raspberries, feel free to use other berries such as blueberries or blackberries. They're equally nutritious and bring their unique flavors to the smoothie.

    A blueberry and raspberry smoothie is a tart, refreshing drink that’s perfect to get through that midday slump on a hot day.

    1. Yogurt: If you're lactose intolerant or following a vegan diet, you can replace the Greek yogurt with a non-dairy alternative such as almond, soy, or coconut milk yogurt. If you're aiming for a lower calorie intake, you may use low-fat or non-fat yogurt.
    2. Honey: If you prefer a different sweetener, you could swap honey with maple syrup, agave syrup, or stevia. Do remember that each sweetener has its own unique taste which could subtly alter the flavor of your smoothie.
    3. Ice: If you'd like a thicker smoothie, frozen banana slices could be a good substitute for ice. Plus, they'll add some extra creaminess and nutrients to your drink. A raspberry and banana smoothie is high in fiber and extra creamy.

    Remember, the beauty of a smoothie lies in its flexibility. Feel free to mix and match ingredients according to your liking and dietary needs. Happy blending!

    Raspberry Yogurt Smoothie (FAQs)

    Milk or Yogurt: What's Better for Smoothies?

    Both ingredients can be great for smoothies, depending on your preference. Milk lends a thinner texture, while yogurt adds creaminess. Yogurt is higher in fat, protein, and nutrients by weight, so if you're on a low-fat diet, you might want to stick with milk.

    What Makes the Perfect Smoothie Base?

    Ideal smoothie bases are those that easily blend into a creamy liquid. Think bananas, yogurt, cream, or juice. Neutral-flavored ingredients also make for a good base as they don't overpower other flavors.

    What's the Secret to a Perfect Smoothie?

    The trick to perfecting smoothies lies in experimentation. Try different ingredients, flavors, and preparation methods. Consider every aspect of your smoothie, including taste, texture, consistency, color, and nutritional content, and choose ingredients that align with your goals.

    If you enjoy playing around with ingredients, try our blackberry raspberry smoothie for a change of pace.

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